Sunday, March 6, 2011

Still too hard? Fine. Let’s say you and I are walking down a crowded street

Still too hard? Fine. Let’s say you and I are walking down a crowded street. You point out some random

guy and announce, “I’m going to go kick his ass.” I grab your arm and say, “Wait! I’m not sure

what good you think will come of this, but I assume you foresee some twisted ego boost in it. Whatever.

What will most likely happen in the world outside your cranium, however, is one of the following: One,

your would-be victim turns out to be more of a badass than he looks, and, win or lose, he knocks your

teeth out. Or two, you successfully pummel him – then somebody calls the cops, you go to jail, and

he launches a civil suit against you for all you’re worth.”

You proceed to purée the guy with ease. Later, when you call me from jail, your life ruined, your

property liquidated, you chuckle, “You moron – you said he would knock my teeth out.”
The New York Times has a great piece today on sham justice in ugg boots. The US military now holds

almost twice as many ugg bootsi detainees as it did when the Abu Ghraib scandal broke. The MBT SHOES

set up a Central Criminal Court in Baghdad that usually has a Soviet-like disregard for due process.Â

The system reduces paperwork burdens by routinely excluding defense lawyers. The Times noted, One

American lawyer said that in 100 cases he handled, not one defense lawyer had introduced evidence or

witnesses. The MBT SHOES military is heavily involved in prosecutions – but even when an ugg bootsi

judge finds a defendant not guilty, the MBT SHOES sometimes refuses to release him.

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