Thursday, March 24, 2011

Page 46 of document, blank space in section dealing with questions of jurisdiction

Page 46 of document, blank space in section dealing with questions of jurisdiction, and the specific applicability of military law to crimes committed in a combat situation. Last paragraph before censorship began to address problem of “war crimes.”

Missing page 48. Bottom of 47 starts with the Military Code’s definitions of assault, and the top of 49 starts with “statutes and treaties that have become the law of the land may create duties for the purposes of this article” and continues to discuss the Military Code’s definitions of maiming.

Page 53 of document is almost entirely blank, with only the section heading “Legal doctrines could render specific doctrine, otherwise criminal, not unlawful. See discussion of Commander-in-Chief Authority, supra.” The section referred to is the one that made the headlines, the one with the passage that reads “In light of the President’s complete authority over the conduct of war, without a clear statement otherwise, criminal statutes are not to be read as infringing on the President’s ultimate authority in these areas.” It sounds like this elided paragraph referred to Presidential directives either issued or recommended

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