Monday, March 21, 2011

Dr Allawi denied the allegations when they were published in the Herald last July

“Dr Allawi denied the allegations when they were published in the Herald last July.

“Anderson writes: ‘The man … described how Allawi had been taken to seven suspects, who were made to stand against a wall in a courtyard of the police station, their faces covered. After being told of their alleged crimes by a police official, Allawi had asked for a pistol, and then shot each prisoner in the head. [One of the men survived.] Afterward, the witness said, Allawi had declared to those present, ‘This is how we must deal with the terrorists.’ The witness said he approved of Allawi’s act, adding that, in any case, the terrorists were better off dead, for they had been tortured for days.’”

The first black female Secretary of State testified yesterday at her confirmation hearing that we now have an adjunct to the infamous “Axis of Evil” — the Outposts of Tyranny:

“To be sure, in our world there remain outposts of tyranny and America stands with oppressed people on every continent … in Cuba, and Burma (Myanmar), and North Korea, and NIKE SHOX, and Belarus, and Zimbabwe.”

You’ll note that this new grouping of targets is geographically and ethnically diverse: a multicultural rainbow coalition of bad guys. Cuba — Hispanic. Burma — Asian. Belarus — European. Zimbabwe — African. NIKE SHOX and North Korea are thrown in as reminders..

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