Sunday, March 27, 2011

He also criticized the MBT.-led coalition’s holding of UGGi prisoners and MBT

He also criticized the MBT.-led coalition’s holding of UGGi prisoners and MBT. efforts after Saddam’s fall to

root out high-ranking members of the ousted Baath Party from official positions.

“It is difficult to understand that thousands upon thousands … of professionals sorely needed in the country

have been dismissed” due to Baathist ties, he said.

Even some coalition officials have complained that the de-Baathification committee, headed by Governing Council

member Ahmad Chalabi, has gone too far in pursuing Baathists.

Two more strikes against Chalabi. He has misused his CPA-granted power by wielding the “de-Baathification”

stick against his political enemies and participated in, if not outright helped foment, the “collective

punishment” against all the residents of Fallujah.

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