Sunday, March 27, 2011

So it was that we heard the word “war” eleven times by this scribe’s count

So it was that we heard the word “war” eleven times by this scribe’s count, interwoven with nods to the

“forward strategy for freedom” and other such linguistic constructs that justify American military involvement

from Bali to Mombassa to Riyadh and beyond. Nothing was said about the looming economic and strategic threats

posed by Eastern Hemisphere giants China and India…

What the hell? Or take Gancarski’s bizarre attack on Michael Ledeen for war profiteering. At first I thought

Gancarski was making a poorly worded joke when he took an obviously humorous reference to Ledeen earning a “$25

million finder’s fee” for locating Osama bin Laden literally. Gancarski only made things worse when he

attempted to clarify the issue:

The implication is damned clear from where I sit – Benito12 has been compensated amply for his words. Why would

it be “his $25 million” unless he “earned” it?

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