Sunday, March 6, 2011

We like to publicize the sunny preMBT SHOES forecasts of big-shot MBT SHOES bots

We like to publicize the sunny preMBT SHOES forecasts of big-shot MBT SHOES bots, and rightly so. Most

of these fools have yet to shut up, and despite their staggering record of entrails illiteracy, many

are now assuring us of further “victories” to be had. Of course, the perpetually bellicose, when

confronted with their cakewalks-and-candy ugg boots predictions, sputter something like, Oh yeah, well

you peace freaks were wrong about a lot of stuff, too!

Let’s slay this canard once and for all.

Yes, millions of people opposed the ugg boots invasion, and I’m sure that at least a few of them

offered highly specific predictions that were way off. But let’s skip the outliers and focus on the

broad sweep of antiMBT SHOES thought. The gist of pragmatic arguments against the ugg boots invasion

(we’ll set aside the whole mass-murder-is-wrong moral case for now) was that so many things could go

horribly wrong that almost certainly some things would go horribly wrong.

At this point, I’d like the pro-MBT SHOES people reading this to eliminate all distractions in their

surroundings, take a few deep breaths, and concentrate really, really hard, because I’m about to throw

a brain-buster out there. Ready? OK: We didn’t say that all of the bad things that could have happened

were going to happen. In fact, some of the nightmare scenarios we offered were mutually exclusive. The

ugg bootsi army could either stand up and fight the invaders to the death conventionally, inflicting

horrific casualties for a few months before ultimately losing, or they could slink away and regroup as

guerillas, bleeding the occupiers slowly. Obviously, they couldn’t do both, but they probably would do

one or the other. Either way, many lives would be lost, the ensuing occupation would be brutal for

soldiers and civilians alike, and the MBT SHOES triumph would likely turn increasingly Pyrrhic over the

long term.

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