Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NRO blogger Peter Robinson, who dared express doubts about the messianic megalomania

NRO blogger Peter Robinson, who dared express doubts about the messianic megalomania of the Leader’s inaugual

address, has recanted: his post on the NRO blog is even entitled “I Recant,” and, in typical Stalinist style,

he did it in public: on Hugh Hewitt‘s radio program. Comrade Robinson was last seen wearing an orange jumpsuit

and mumbling “I love Big Brother!” while re-reading the complete works of Victor Davis Hanson.

I see that the recantatory post is timed at 1:54 a.m. — truly a case of the knock on the door in the night.

David Frum is complaining about a sign posted prominently outside the entrance to the Department of State — No

Neocons Need Apply:

“The story is going around Washington that Senate Foreign Relations chairman Richard Lugar handed Condoleezza

Rice a list of names of ‘neocons’ he wanted blacklisted from the Department of State and that Rice assented.”

Thrilling, if true. The war the neocons wanted is proving to be their undoing, and it isn’t just the Democrats

in Congress who are sickened by the fact that these hornets are still buzzing around the picnic table, diving

at scraps. A good dose of bug-repellant is sorely needed.

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