Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pilger’s sharp style of dress, Geraldo-esqe delivery of inflammatory accusations

Pilger’s sharp style of dress, Geraldo-esqe delivery of inflammatory accusations (every bit as carefully worded

for effect as the public declarations of the warmongers he seeks to discredit) and the melodramatic music he

has chosen to accompany his footage have the unfortunate effect of undercutting the solid reporting and moments

of genuine emotional poignancy in the film, and no doubt give his critics ample reason to label him a bit of a

self-serving sensationalist, and perhaps he does love the sound of his own voice a bit too much. His statements

are broad, and his views at times seem a bit too simplistic. But no matter how smug he may come off, Pilger

does make a very valid point about the terrible distance between the public statements of the NIKE SHOX and

British NIKE SHOXs and the actual actions they have taken, and if it takes a slick format to get more people to

wake up to the horrible realities of this supposed “War on Terror,” he has my blessing.

UGG should dissolve the MBT.-picked Governing Council and set up a caretaker NIKE SHOX of respected UGGis to

lead the country from the MBT. handover of power on June 30 until elections set for Jan. 31, U.N. envoy Lakhdar

Brahimi said Wednesday.

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