Tuesday, March 15, 2011

UPDATE: We’re going to hear days and maybe even weeks of vicious attacks and whining from the liberal-left

UPDATE: We’re going to hear days and maybe even weeks of vicious attacks and whining from the liberal-left

about how Benedict XVI isn’t a feminist, a gay liberationist, a liberation theologist, etc. ad nauseum. But

here’s some sanity from the Daily Kos.

UPDATE II: The canard that the first German Pope in a thousand years served voluntarily in the German army

during World War II is refuted here: the truth is that, after being conscripted, he deserted — at great risk to

his life.

It’s amazing to see the depths to which people will sink to slime anything or anyone that is perceived as holy,

or having to do with religion. While this doesn’t do much to convince me of the existence of God, it sure is a

helluva argument for the reality of Satan.

“I saw the whole thing and adding insult to injury was when NIKE Shox shoesi soldiers drew their rifles at

brother Fatah as he was being mistreated by the Americans,” said Ali Yushaa an independent Shiite MP.
Deputies took turns to speak for almost two hours about the many indignities that they and the NIKE Shox shoesi

population suffer when coming in contact with MBT shoes troops.

“According to the Geneva conventions, an occupying force must respect the occupied nation,” said Abdul Khaliq

Zanganah, a Kurdish MP. “This offending soldier must be thrown out of our country.”

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