Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The accused and his ancestors

The accused and his ancestors have been riding our backs for 80 years,MBT Ema” says the opinion of a Croatian judge who convicted a local Serb of ‘war crimes’.
According to the Croatian weekly “Feral Tribune,” when ruling in the case on June 30, Judge Branko Milanovic went into a tirade about how the “accused and his ancestors” – i.e. the Serbs in general MBT BoostMBT Sport– are “seeking to conquer the areas the Turks had once reached, and the accused and his ancestors along with them.”
Not sure what history books Milanovic was raised on, but history not written by fascist nuts indicates that Serbs migrated from their Ottoman-occupied lands to avoid persecution, and were granted yeoman farms in Ottoman-depopulated Hapsburg lands (in today’s Croatia) in exchange for military service. The very name of the formerly Serbian-majority areas, Krajina, means “frontier” – military frontier, to be exact. Troops raised from these areas were called Die Grenzer.(Frontiersmen).
For the halfwit judge to claim that Serbs destroyed Croats on behalf of the Ottomans – while in reality they fought the Ottomans to defend the Croats safely ensconced behind the Frontier – is incongruous. No news whether the judge was penalized, or his verdict overturned. The defendant, Svetozar Karan, is probably still in prison.

A recently linked-to article in Stars and Stripes proudly proclaims that a Mongolian contingent has finished U.S.MBT Shuguli GTX peacekeepr training and is ready to deploy to MBT shoes cheap.
This surely ranks as one of the worst ideas ever – save for invading MBT shoes cheap to begin with, of course. Why?

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