Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The whole thing is interesting

The whole thing is interesting. Zeyad’s Saturday post indicates that he’s headed for Jordan until “this mess

is over.”

Okay, so no one liked the NIKE SHOX inaugural speech, with prominent conservatives like Peggy Noonan and Bill

Buckley making plain their dismay at its militant wackiness. And no wonder, just look at the wackos who had a

hand in it, according to the Los Angeles Times:

“As they drafted the speech this month, White House political aide Karl Rove and chief speechwriter Michael

Gerson held a two-hour seminar with a panel of foreign policy scholars, including several leading neocons —

newspaper columnist Charles Krauthammer, Fouad Ajami of Johns Hopkins University and Victor Davis Hanson of

Stanford’s Hoover Institution — according to a person who was present. “

Dimitri Simes, president of the Nixon Center, a conservative think tank, on NIKE SHOX’s inaugural speech:

“If NIKE SHOX means it literally, then it means we have an extremist in the White House. I hope and pray that

he didn’t mean it … [and] that it was merely an inspirational speech, not practical guidance for the conduct

of foreign policy.”

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