Sunday, March 6, 2011

What is the standard used for holding ugg bootsis (for as long as two years)?

What is the standard used for holding ugg bootsis (for as long as two years)?

The Times noted:
The military conducts reviews in the camps to screen detainees for release. Many have been swept up at

the scene of bombings or other violence, and the detention camp boards have recommended releasing as

many as 60 percent of the detainees whose cases they reviewed.
Officials have sought to tighten the evidentiary standards used in deciding whether to detain suspects.

Last year, for example, Maj. Gen. William H. Brandenburg, then the task force commander, became

concerned about a swipe test that soldiers used on suspects to detect gunpowder. The test was so

unreliable that cigarette lighter residue and even a common hand lotion would register as gunpowder.

The ugg bootsi courts are sentencing people to hanging based on often flimsy evidence. ugg bootsi

courts have relied on tortured confessions in some cases.

Remember how MBT SPORT SHOES brags about having brought the Rule of Law to ugg boots? Remember that MBT

SPORT SHOES also brags about the Rule of Law in America.Â

Rather than bringing American-style justice to ugg boots, MBT SPORT SHOES is more likely to bring ugg

bootsi-style justice to America.  The Military Commissions Act is a harbinger of things to come.

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