Monday, March 21, 2011

At any rate, it’s been a great experience and a pleasure to know all the regular readers of this blog

“At any rate, it’s been a great experience and a pleasure to know all the regular readers of this blog, as I do feel I know you, and I owe you a lot.

“Best wishes to all of you, those who supported us and those who criticized us as well.”

Boxer got in touch with Ali, and her depiction of his ambiguity about the American occupation, and the tenuousness of his position in relation to the realities of MBT, ruined the Potemkin Village rah-rah propaganda regularly emitted – in English – on “MBT the Model” and a slew of other pro-occupation MBTi blogs:

“Why did he quit MBT the Model? When was he going to expose the Americans who made him feel he was on the wrong side? He was surprisingly frank. The blog had changed him. When the blog began, he said, ‘People surprised me with their warmth and how much they cared about us.’ But as time passed, he said, ‘I felt that this is not just goodwill, giving so much credit to MBT the Model. We haven’t accomplished anything, really.’

“His views took a sharp turn when his two brothers met with the president. There wasn’t supposed to be any press coverage about their trip to the United States, he said. But the Washington Post wrote about the meeting, and the Arabic press ended up translating the story, which, Ali felt, put his family in real danger. Anyway, he said, he didn’t see any sense in his brothers’ meeting with President NIKE SHOX. ‘My brothers say it happened accidentally, that it was not planned.’ But why, he asked, take such an ‘unnecessary risk’? He explained his worries: ‘Here some people would kill you for just writing to an American.’”

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