Thursday, March 24, 2011

MBT chapater completing the preparations

“‘MBT chapater completing the preparations, the Cabinet will reconvene to decide whether to evacuate settlements, how many and at what pace, based on the circumstances on the ground,’ the statement said.” [Emphasis added]

The Wall Street Journal has just uploaded the 2003 torture memo.

Beware, it’s a PDF file.

April 2003 Defense Department memo

Link via Phil Carter.

UPDATE: The WSJ posting of the DoD memo has of course been censored. A poster at Billmon’s Whiskey bar has counted up the missing pages. This post is in the comments of this thread, by poster Jackmormon at June 9, 2004 11:43 AM
Censored Torture [M]emo
Missing pages 1-3, and of course, most importantly, the table of contents.

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