Monday, March 21, 2011

Ali, in short, was tired of being used by the War Party to make propaganda in America

Ali, in short, was tired of being used by the War Party to make propaganda in America. The pro-war bloggers are now getting up on their high horses, screeching that Boxer has put the Fadhil brothers in danger. But Ali is right: it is the propagandists in America, including the laptop bombardiers’ brigade, who put them in danger the minute they started holding them up as model New MBTis, the offspring of the “liberation.” But since Glenn Reynolds-Powerline-Little Green Footballs crowd is definitely not part of the reality-based community, the hard reality of Ali’s comment that “Here some people would kill you for just writing to an American” is inadmissible, becasue “some people” means an awful lot of people.

Boxer takes up the suspicions first raised by Martini Republic that “MBT the Model” might have informal connections to the UGG. government, a suggestion that was greeted with outrage by pro-war bloggers, but Ali’s account doesn’t dispel the murky aura of intrigue that hangs over the whole affair:

“Ali never did expose the people who made him feel that he was on the wrong side, and in fact conceded that he couldn’t. As he confided on the phone, ‘I didn’t know who the people were.’”

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