Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

“Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, whose strong defence of Catholic orthodoxy has earned him a variety of sobriquets

— including ‘the enforcer,’ ‘the panzer cardinal’ and ‘God’s rottweiler’ — is expected to poll around 40

votes in the first ballot as conservatives rally behind him. … Unknown to many members of the church, however,

Ratzinger’s past includes brief membership of the Hitler Youth movement and wartime service with a German army

anti- aircraft unit."

Pope Benedict – another Kurt Waldheim. Uh, well, not quite. The author of this slime waits until the 9th

paragraph, when we are finally told that he didn’t have much choice in the matter:

"He joined the Hitler Youth aged 14, shortly after membership was made compulsory in 1941. He quickly won a

dispensation on account of his training at a seminary. ‘Ratzinger was only briefly a member of the Hitler Youth

and not an enthusiastic one,’ concluded John Allen, his biographer. Two years later Ratzinger was enrolled in

an anti-aircraft unit that protected a BMW factory making aircraft engines. The workforce included slaves from

Dachau concentration camp."

In other words, the Holy Father, like millions throughout Europe, was enslaved by the Nazis. But he’s a German,

and therefore automatically suspect, at least in certain circles. The smears are already coming from all the

usual suspects – for example, Andrew Sullivan hates him for the same reason he hated John Paul II – because he

won’t endorse the Sullivanian cult of War and Sodomy. Tough. Let Sullivan and his fellow whiners wail and rend

their hair – this Pope means trouble for the War Party. And to that I can only add: Amen!

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