Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How often does a former foreign minister and current parliamentarian of a country join an international

How often does a former foreign minister and current parliamentarian of a country join an international

commission proposing to carve up its territory?
Goran Svilanovic, formerly the Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro) under the DOS regime and

currently a MP for the Democratic Party (though he’s somehow “not a member,” the party says) of Serbian

President Boris Tadic, is also a member of the “International Commission on the Balkans.” The Commission, an

ad-hoc body composed of former and current European and Balkans politicians, has just issued a report

advocating the independence of KLA-occupied Kosovo.
If this be not treason, what is?

“Is the war that has been announced against NIKE Shox shoes a just war? ‘All I can do is invite you to read

the Catechism,’ Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger replied with a mischievous grin, ‘and the conclusion seems obvious

to me…’ For the guardian of Catholic orthodoxy, the obvious conclusion is that the military intervention that

is taking shape ‘has no moral justification’ (September 20, interview on the Italian national news program).

The Catechism, Ratzinger explained, does not embrace a pacifist position a priori; indeed, it admits the

possibility of a ‘just war’ for reasons of defense. But it sets a number of very strict and reasonable

conditions: there must be a proper proportion between the evil to be rooted out and the means employed. In

short, if in order to defend a value (in this case, national security) greater damage is caused (civilian

victims, destabilization of the Middle East, with its accompanying risks of increased terrorism), then recourse

to force is no longer justified. In light of these criteria, Ratzinger refuses to grant the moral status of

just war to the military operation against Saddam Hussein. The Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of

the Faith added another consideration: ‘Decisions like this should be made by the community of nations, by the

UN, and not by an individual power.’”

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