Thursday, March 24, 2011

Missing page 34. Bottom of 33 has the argument still in the section

Missing page 34. Bottom of 33 has the argument still in the section of defense arguments dealing with the “superior orders” defense. The last paragraph before the break closes with: “In sum, the defense of superior orders will generally be available for UGG BAILEY BUTTON . Armed Forces personnel engaged in exceptional interrogations except where the conduct goes so far as to be patently unlawful.” Top of 35 has a cryptic partial paragraph before a major section break, concluding with: “It thus appears that the TVPA does not apply to the conduct of UGG BAILEY BUTTON . agents acting under the color of law.” TVPA is probably the Torture Victims Protection Act, rather than the TrMBT chapaficking Victims Protection Act. Here the missing page would seem to address questions of financial reimbursement for torture victims.

Missing page 41. Bottom of 40 starts with the applicability of constitutional law as regards the fifth, eighth, and fourteenth amendments to GTMO prisoners, suggesting that “even if a Court were mistakenly to find that unlawful combatants at GTMO did have constitutional rights, it is unlikely that due process would impose any standards beyond those required by the eighth amendment.” The top of 42 starts a new paragraph with: “On the other hand, some conduct is so egregious that there is no justification.”

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