Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Of course, at work are also all the numerous geostrategic and economic interests

Of course, at work are also all the numerous geostrategic and economic interests, some of which Scott

mentions, but this insight into America’s collective psychology has a devastating ring of truth to it,

for me anyway.

Today we live in an imperial moment like any other. And when it becomes necessary to grovel at the feet

of empire to curry favor, those who have neither self-respect nor an interest in self-reliance always

win. Sometimes it’s better to lose.

Everyone is jumping over the fact that the US has brought Hamas to power through its love of exporting

democracy- just as it’s democracy-building brought Communist economics to Ukraine, and has made Iraq a

state ruled by Islamic law.

Three words you’ll never hear come out of the president’s mouth: “whoops, my bad!”

The question is, why this strategic disaster?

There seem to be two reasons. One, either the US was suckered into it by the innumerable yes-men it has

empowered in all the think-tanks, NGOs and other institutions, whose job depends on their ability to

tell their minders what they want to hear. Or two, they planned it all along, aware that more

“democracy” in the Middle East would result in mass upheaval, the empowerment of Islamic parties, and

more fuel for the fire of jihad- thus handily ensuring that the war on terror will go on for years, as

Dick Cheney eagerly anticipated.

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