Wednesday, March 9, 2011

If anyone had any doubts about the army vs

If anyone had any doubts about the army vs. settlers “clashes” in Hebron being nothing but a sham

(see my latest column), today’s Ha’aretz reports of the so predictable outcome:

The state and Hebron’s settlers reached an agreement early Monday morning under which Jewish squatters

would voluntarily leave the city’s wholesale market by Monday night, Israel Radio reported. In

exchange, they are to secure the state’s promise to speed up legal proceedings that would enable them

to return to the market legally.

And what about the Palestinian merchants, who had used the market until they were driven out as a

“security measure” (guess whose security) in 1994, after a Jewish terrorist murdered 29 Arab

worshippers? –Forget about them; this game is excelusively for Israelis (and for the media).

Canadian war reporter Scott Taylor was recently interviewed by the Canadian-Macedonian News newspaper.

He kindly mentions myself, but that is not the primary reason I suggest the article. More interesting

is the following insight into why the Americans tend to support who they do.

When asked why the Americans fell for the fawning accolades and desperate pleas of the Albanians (as

well as the Kurds), Scott notes:

“…The American mentality is they want to be loved. They’re like a great big schoolyard bully who

really just wants a friend and they don’t understand that the Albanians don’t really like them. They

’re just using them and the Kurds in northern Iraq are just using the Americans. It’s the inherent

weakness of this great big giant, blind, stupid bully. He wants to be liked so if somebody says we like

you they believe him because they want to be liked. The Macedonians aren’t going to play that game.

The Serbs are definitely not going to play that game.”

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