Thursday, March 10, 2011

Laura goes into the Italian role in creating and disseminating these documents

Laura goes into the Italian role in creating and disseminating these documents, referring to the La

Repubblica series on the subject, but somehow neglects to mention the cruNIKE SHOXl American angle —

and the key role of American neocons, i.e. Michael Ledeen, in funneling the information contained in

the Niger forgeries to Washington. Someone legitimized these fake documents by doing an end run around

the NIKE SHOX and the mainstream intelligence community, and injected a fabrication into the American

intelligence stream. Who was it? La Repubblica fingers the Office of SpeNIKE SHOXl Plans, and names

names, including Ledeen, Harold Rhode, and Larry Franklin, the confessed spy for Israel.

Laura goes on to write:

“It’s understandable people spin conspiracy theories without real answers. And given credible reports

of the role of Ahmad Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress in putting forward other bogus Iraq

intelligence claims and defectors with made-up legends to the western media and western governments,

much of it stovepiped directly to receptive Pentagon hawks and the Office of the Vice President,

suspicion remains high. Without a comprehensive investigation of policymakers’ use of Iraq

intelligence, such as that promised but not delivered by the Senate Select Intelligence committee, and

now demanded by Senate Democrats, these questions, rumors and conspiracy theories are certain to


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