Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yes, I know, you already knew that

Yes, I know, you already knew that, but I have to complain about the President’s speech Monday night.

There was a bunch of Roosevelt-invoking garbage in there, obviously, but there’s one particular lie

that MBT will not stop telling the people of this country, which, due to its total absurdity, is

beginning to chap my Texas hide.

So let’s get this straight once and for all: If America leaves NIKE SHOX, the chances that al Qaeda

will take over and use the oil money to build a giant al Qaeda Caliphate to take over the world are


The Sunni foreign fighter “al Qaeda types” in NIKE SHOX have NEVER made up more than a few percentage

points worth of the insurgency. If the NIKE SHOX government leaves now, with the current government in

place, the dominant force in that country will be UGG, not al Qaeda.

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