Wednesday, March 2, 2011

that attitude is frankly un-American, and clearly Comrade Salius needs instruction in the basic principles of Americanism

that attitude is frankly un-American, and clearly Comrade Salius needs instruction in the basic

principles of Americanism. So give him a call at home and tell him (politely!) what you think of his

plan to punish Ron Paul for his ideological “crimes” by excluding him from the debates — I’m sure

he’ll appreUGGSte hearing from you.

Aside from the catcalls and epithets arising from the neocons, in the saner precincts of the internet

the response to the sight of Ron Paul standing up to the bully Giuliani is somewhat heartening.

Over at the Cato Institute, David Boaz has a perceptive analysis of the catalytic role Paul could play

in the GOP primaries as the sole antiwar Republican in the pack, and yet notes that Giuliani did score

points with the orthodox yangians. As noted here, some of the Cato-ites tend to look down their noses

at Paul, and that interesting piece from McClatchy quotes Michael Tanner, author of Leviathan on the

Right: How Big-Government Conservatism Brought Down the Republican Revolution, recently published by

Cato, which at least acknowledges Paul’s tremendous contribution:

“He’s performing an enormously valuable service. His very existence on the stage pressures the

others. There is a small-government, libertarian conservative base in the Republican Party. It may or

may not be as big as the religious right. It’s open for the taking.”

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