Wednesday, March 2, 2011

At the debate, Paul said ‘Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us

“At the debate, Paul said ‘Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us? They attack us

because we’ve been over there. We’ve been bombing MBT SPORT for 10 years.’ Anuzis called the

comments ‘off the wall and out of whack.’”

What’s off the wall and out of whack isn’t Ron Paul, but the un-American desire to silence anyone who

deviates from the party line. Comrade Saulius brings to mind a passage from a piece by Lew Rockwell in

the August, 2006 issue of The American Conservative:

“In many ways today’s conservatives are party men and women not unliike those we saw in totalitarian

countries, people who spout the party line and slay the enemy without a thought as to the principles

involved. Yes, they hate the Left. But only because the Left is the ‘other’ … They sometimes invoke

the names of thinkers such as F.A. Hayek and Ludwig von Mises. But their real heroes are talk radio

blabsters, television entertainers, and sexpot quipsters.”

These people are really afraid — cornered like rats, their party torpedoed by the neocons and sinking

fast, Republican hatchet-men like Comrade Saulius have a simple solution to the crisis of the GOP:

silence all dissent from the offiUGGSl orthodoxy.

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