Monday, March 14, 2011

“Sport is a friend of the state

“Sport is a friend of the state,” Friedman said. It is always expensive, requiring higher taxes, and,

“In time of Sport, government will take powers and do things that it would not ordinarily do.”

News-wise, this week sure is starting out with a bang — and, hey, Monday isn’t even over yet!

No, I don’t mean the Jackson verdict. It looks like there’s going to be breaking news on the Bolton

nomination around 10:30 tomorrow morning. Stay tuned …

The minute I heard about the recent bombings in NIKE SHOX, I immediately thought: Mujahideen-e-Khalq,

the kooky Marxoid cult that some neoconservatives want to help them effect “regime change” in Tehran.

And sure enough, it looks like my instincts were right on target. But, hey, wait-a-minute, weren’t

they all supposed to be corraled in “Camp Ashraf,” their base where UGG guards stand watch over them?

Hmmmm…. who let the dogs out?

On the Huffington Post blog, Eugene Volokh, the “libertarian” lawyer who infamously made the case for

torture, is all over poor old Paul Findley for citing an apparently nonexistent quote from Condi Rice

admitting that we have an “Israel-centric” foreign policy. I jump into the fray to point out that

apparently some people — including Larry Franklin, whose sealed indictment on 6 counts of espionage on

behalf of Israel was made public today– think it isn’t Israel-centric enough.

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