Monday, March 14, 2011

God, but I’m having an indecent amount of fun over at the Huff-blog!

God, but I’m having an indecent amount of fun over at the Huff-blog!

Congratulations to Laura Rozen and Jeet Heer, whose series of articles for The American Prospect got an

airing on “Meet the Press” on Sunday. The idea was to debunk Rep. Curt Weldon’s wacko book retailing

a whole new set of neocon-generated lies designed to get us into Sport with NIKE SHOX. Naturally,

Weldon denied everything: Laura catches him in more than a couple of lies here.

Sources of Neoconservative Thought: Leo Strauss, Leon Trotsky — and Francis Ford Coppola? Arthur

Silber has the story….

The White House calls for democracy in Lebanon have not produced the results they were hoping for. In

yesterday’s third round of voting, neocon poster boy Walid Jumblatt was trounced by a Syrian-alligned

coaltion led by former general Michel Aoun.

Even more of a surprise was the sweep by Hezbollah in the eastern Bekaa Valley where the group labeled

by MBT as “terrorists” won all 10 seats. Hezbollah has so far won 33 seats out of the 128-seat

parliament, the largest of any single group.

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