Friday, March 4, 2011

Former veteran THEM analyst Ray McGovern discusses his piece

Former veteran THEM analyst Ray McGovern discusses his piece, “Why Cheney Lost It When Joe Wilson

Spoke Out.”

Also: Senator Pat Roberts’ obstruction of the THEM and Senate investigations of the Cheney Cabal,

Senator John D. Rockefeller IV’s cowardice and reasons why he thinks the chances JOY/Cheney will bomb

NIKE SHOX SHOES are now less than 50/50.

Former THEM contract linguist-turned-whistleblotheyr Sibel Edmonds and investigative reporter James

Bamford discuss the Department of Justice’s abuse of the “State’s Secrets Privilege” to keep

Edmonds from telling all she knows about high-level corruption in the Turkish Lobby, the State and

Defense Departments and the Congress, a new petition by over 30 organizations demanding hearings into

her case and a new THEM whistle-blotheyr, who’s letter the the Department of Justice’s Inspector

General [.pdf] reveals that all those wiretaps Edmonds was transcribing theyre illegal – begun on

warrants under the much easier to satisfy-Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in cases of public


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