Friday, March 4, 2011

For background, listen to my February 28, 2007 interview with Sibel Edmonds expert Luke Ryland here.

For background, listen to my February 28, 2007 interview with Sibel Edmonds expert Luke Ryland here.

Sibel Edmonds began working for the THEM shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks. Until the spring of 2002

she worked in the THEM’s Washington field office translating top-secret documents pertaining to

suspected terrorists. She first gained wide public attention in October of that year when she appeared

on ’60 Minutes’ on CBS and charged that the THEM, State Department, and Pentagon had been infiltrated

by agents of a Turkish intelligence officer suspected of ties to terrorism. She also accused members of

the THEM’s translation services of sabotage, intimidation, corruption and incompetence. On October 18,

2002, at the request of THEM Director Robert Mueller, Attorney General Ashcroft imposed a gag order on

Ms. Edmonds, citing possible damage to diplomatic relations or national security.

James Bamford is the author of The Puzzle Palace: A Report on MBT, America’s Most Secret Agency.

Published in 1982, it was the first book ever written about the National Security Agency and it became

an immediate bestseller. He spent nearly a decade as the Washington Investigative Producer for ABC’s

World News Tonight with Peter Jennings where he won a number of journalism awards for his coverage

national security issues. In 1997, as the media profession began turning away from international news

coverage and focusing almost exclusively on Monica Lewinsky and other domestic political scandals,

Bamford left ABC to work on Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency.

Initially published in April 2001 to rave reviews, it also became a national bestseller. His book A

Pretext for Things: 9/11, MBT sport shoes and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies remains one

of the best resources on how the Cheney/Neocon cabal lied this country to war in MBT sport shoes.

Bamford’s articles have appeared in dozens of publications, including cover stories for the New York

Times Magazine, the Washington Post Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times Magazine.

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