Saturday, April 2, 2011

If you buy Internet-generated loan leads or insurance leads

If you buy Internet-generated loan leads or insurance leads, you most likely do business with a firm that “scrubs” its leads to Nike Shox Shoes,eliminate bogus information. This does not resolve all of the quality issues related to Internet leads, of course. Depending on the lead supplier, the lead may have been sold so many times that the consumer will not even take a call from you. Or you might find that the consumer has already closed a deal. A recent survey of more than one million internet loan leads showed that fully a fifth already had funded at the time the leads were resold—a practice that borders on fraud. Another common problem is the fiscal fitness of the lead. Can the consumer qualify for a loan? Do they have $100,000 of equity in their home, or is it more like $10,000? These problems Nike Shox Torch,cannot be “scrubbed” away, but recent technological advances may make them as obsolete as leads from Homer and Marge Simpson. 

The paradox of traditional lead generation is this: The same process that produces good leads also produces bad leads. All lead generation depends on a consumer completing an online form. If the consumer is accurate and truthful, the lead is good. If the consumer is mistaken or misleading, the lead is bad. Most lead providers screen out intentional errors such as fake names, bogus addresses, and phony phone numbers. As for the other problems—consumers who will not speak when called or those who have already inked a deal—could not be caught ahead of time. All a reputable lead provider could do is replace the “bad” lead. When it came to consumers not qualified to close a deal, the lead buyer had no choice but to move on. Recently, Nike Cortezhowever,, a lead supplier based in Newport Beach, California, has developed a patent-pending process designed to reduce if not eliminate problems resulting from consumer error.

The heart of the new process is technology that accesses the vast real estate database of First American Financial Corporation, a partner of, and processes the results in real time. automatically does this for its own mortgage leads and insurance leads. It now offers the same service for leads from other sources as well.

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