Friday, April 1, 2011

I recently heard a terrific speaker

3. Act "As If… "

I recently heard a terrific speaker, Laurie Nelson, who had MBT Salama a new twist on an old theme of "Fake it 'til you make it", which is "Act as if…". Who do you need to be in order to achieve your vision for your life? You can be that better self or changed person even before you reach your goals!

Let’s say your dream is to become a writer. You have your vision and a plan to make it happen. Now you begin to "Act as if you're a successful writer". When you meet someone for the first time and they ask, "So, what do you do?" begin by replying, "I'm a writer specializing in ____ and I also - - - (whatever else you do to make the ends meet)". You'll begin to identify yourself more clearly in that end vision, and begin taking more focused action.

4. Take Baby Steps

Feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed by project plans and deadlines? Pick one small step or action you can immediately take. Once you've done that small step, choose another, and then another. Achieving some quick wins will draw you towards making more! Little-by-little those baby steps will add up to a MBT Habari whole completed step or phase in your business plan and put you on a path headed towards success!

5. Change Your Perspective

Set goals and change your reaction about potentially not achieving them. It's okay if you don't achieve your goals! Successful people often miss their target. The key is getting in motion, creating momentum, and moving ahead.

6. Create a Brag File

It's hard for us to see ourselves the way others see us. It's also difficult to remember all the terrific accomplishments we've made to date when the dark cloud of defeat looms overhead. Create a file and put anything in it that makes you feel good: thank you notes, reference letters, pictures where you look great, awards you've received, etc. Perusing your brag file is sure to lift your spirits.

7. Success is 1% ingenuity and 99% persistence!

If you have ever failed to meet a goal, know that you are in good company! Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times before he invented the light bulb; Michael Jordan didn't make the cut on his high school basketball team; Einstein flunked math and was earning a living as a postal worker when he published his "Theory of Relativity."

It's a fact; going for a goal propels us forward! So put the fear of failure aside, set some goals that inspire, stretch and motivate you, and start moving your life in the direction you MBT Ema Sandals, want it to go. It's often by failing to achieve certain goals that we are able to achieve others.

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