Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Often I talk about public relations

Often I talk about public relations as being relationships with your public. I believe building personal relationships is critical to business success. Most people want to do business with people that Nike Shox Dreams,they like. One way of building relationships is through your personal branding, differentiating yourself from your competitors by being you, and allowing that uniqueness to shine.

You are also the package, just like a product. What does your package look like? How's the design, colour and look? What message does your personal image send?

Your image is a bit like the weather. People notice when it's extremely good or extremely bad. In person how you shake hands, make eye contact, how you conduct yourself in social situations and the clothes you choose to wear help to build your personal brand. You need to take care of the details.

Your clothes, appearance and grooming really are the external image of your brand. What image are you projecting?

If we look at famous brands and the "look" they project through their people, Virgin Blue, in Australia as an example, has a strong corporate image of being friendly, fresh and cheeky. Qantas on the other hand has an image that is far more conservative, more corporate. Both companies spend millions on getting their look right. Not just the external branding of logos and signage but the uniforms and image of the people within the organisations.

Everything is totally co-coordinated from the outfits to the shoes, hosiery, earrings and luggage – it's a coordinated professional look as they can't afford to have anyone in those companies presenting negatively. Jetstar on the other hand have a completely different image. It looks more casual and down-market and portrays an image of being cheap, no frills. So much so Nike Shox R4,that the credibility and trust of the airline is questioned. Jokes are made about its inefficiency and safety record – although there is no negative record to support those rumours.

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