Sunday, April 10, 2011

Here's the scenario

Here's the scenario: You're booked 1 and a half months out, new MBT Kisumu 2,patients are calling (about 1 a day) you just can't seem to catch up with all the treatment you have diagnosed...What do you do?Well, the answer I get most often is to STOP MARKETING.

Why have patients call when they have to wait 2 months just to get in for their first appointment. It seems better to stop marketing, and start up again when you MBT Chapa GTX need patients.There is one very important thing to consider when you decide to stop marketing. Some call it the snowball effect, we call it MARKETING MOMENTUM.Newton's First Law of Motion States: Every object in a state of motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. This simply means if something is moving or standing still, it will continue moving or standing still unless a force is applied.

A force like friction, gravity, or a physical push.When a doctor starts up a marketing program like our Simple Green Postcard Program, we talk about average results, the momentum, and what they will see happen in the next few months. They'll see schedules start to fill up, and MBT Lami Shoes,patients will seem to "drop out of the sky." These same patients can't wait to start treatment, and pretty soon you're booked solid, whether it is directly traced to the Simple Green Program or not.

When you put a marketing program in place that is hands free, simple, and consistent, it creates a buzz, an excitement both inside and outside the office, and things start gaining momentum. You've put an object in motion, and as long as you continue that object will stay in motion.Think of your marketing as a playground swing. You push at timed intervals and the swing goes higher and higher. Finally, you've reached the highest the swing will go, so you stop pushing. The momentum of the swing dies down until eventually it comes to a stop.

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