Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just think if you had a way to make an instant

Just think if you had a way to make an instant $300, $500 or even a thousand dollars or more anytime you needed it without having to borrow it. The power to be able to sit down and write out checks to pay those bills anytime you need to.

To be able to afford to take your wife and kids out to a nice dinner on Friday night or Sunday afternoons. To be able to take a really nice vacation, or buy that new dream car, buy gas, etc.. Before starting a small business you must ask your self a few important questions. Questions like:

1. What do I enjoy doing the most or know a lot about that I could turn into a profitable small business or part-time business?

2. How much income would I really like to have? (think big)

3. How many hours do I really want to work?

4. How much start-up capital will I need?

5. How can I get an unlimited flow of customers? (this guarantees continuous profit)

6. Can I do this business anywhere and still make a profit?

7.) Can I do this just as a part-time business and still make great money?

The idea is to think big, but at the same time be realistic about it all. Most people think that to start a small part-time business that they will only probably make an extra $500 a week.

Which is not bad by the way. But when you think about Uncle Sam wanting his part plus the cost of gas and the amount of time you may have to spend, only an extra $500 a week may not look all that appealing.

To make a pure $500 a week, taxes will take about 20%. So that drops it down to $400 and if you have to drive anywhere, that could suck up another $50 a week dropping your final weekly profits down to $350.

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