Friday, April 1, 2011

Inevitably, the journey towards your vision

Inevitably, the journey towards your vision is bound to have a few curves, dips, and obstacles along the way (and if it doesn't, I want to walk in YOUR footsteps!). A MBT Tembea,challenge or roadblock doesn't have to keep YOU down for the count when you follow these 7 Secrets to Conquering Obstacles!

1. Don't Give Up or Give In!

In coaching we call that nagging little voice in your head that says, "You can't do that. You've tried something just like it and failed. What makes you think this time is any different?" or “You’re too fat, too old, under qualified, …” a GREMLIN. Others may refer to it as a self-limiting belief. Whatever you call it, MBT Sini, know that those GREMLINS usually lie. Oh, sure, they mean well and are perhaps trying to protect you from disappointment, but they will also prevent you from success. They want to maintain the status quo.

When you hear that voice, acknowledge it for what it is, a GREMLIN, identify any shred of truth you heard, and determine which parts are the lies. Then let go of the lies and move forward.

2. Connect with your "Why"

When identifying your vision and goals, it's important to know exactly why you want to achieve them. If you haven't already done so, sit down and write out your "Why's". These can be powerful MBT Tataga, motivators when the chips are down. Tony Robbins calls this the pain/pleasure principle.

Simply put, you link incredible amounts of pain to abandoning focus, and an incredible amount of pleasure to achieving it. By answering some key questions linked to your "Why" such as, "What will I miss out on in my life if I don't achieve this goal?" or "What kind of momentum would I have in my life MBT Sawa Shoes, if I achieved this goal" can help trigger strong emotions about your goal, and draw you towards their achievement.

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