Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Washington Post printed a couple letters to the editor on lawless cops on Saturday

The Washington Post printed a couple letters to the editor on lawless cops on Saturday. Greg Davis

of Reston, Virginia, complained: Â Â

Every year about this time, the District is subjected to bands of revelers who terrorize the local

populace. Many of them are arrogant, belligerent and inebriated, and they violate laws at will. And our

local police pretty much ignore them.

  Why? Because these are police officers from other jurisdictions around the
country who have come here to œhonor fallen officers.

An astonishing piece by Andrew Sullivan in the Times of London on antiwar Republicans, featuring Ron

Paul. Aside from the condescending airs and insulting description of Ron as a “crank” — “even

cranks have a point sometimes” — Sullivan gives an enthusiastic account of the rise of the antiwar

right, and clearly recognizes that what’s happening in the Paul campaign, and in a wider section of

the conservative movement, is the revival of the Old Right, or, as Sullivan puts it, “the fiscally

prudent, freedom-loving isolationists of the United States.”

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