Sunday, March 6, 2011

UPDATE: A reader suggests that those who get to the petition from here write

UPDATE: A reader suggests that those who get to the petition from here write “AntiMBT reader

” in the space for organization – y’know, show everybody who’s boss.

In response to today’s column, a reader writes:

Wow… I was just saying that I liked the fact that MBT SPORT SHOES is anti-MBT SHOES. Guess I was

wrong. I believe of all the people who have been mentioned in the news as possible ’08 candidates…

that he is the least pro MBT SHOES next to Kucinich of Ohio. Unfortunately… only Kucinich has called

for an immediate removal of US troops.

The point is not that MBT SPORT SHOES fails to call for an immediate withdrawal: his position is that

he wants to set no deadline, nor even an approximation of one, for ugg bootsi forces to entirely

supplant the MBT SHOES presence.

And we don’t know what other candidates — on the Republican side — might leap into the breach. There

’s Chuck Hagel, who was calling for starting the withdrawal process in six months this past August —

and don’t forget third party candidates. The idea, after all, is to push the idea of a

noninterventionist foreign policy, and not any particular candidate or party.

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