Friday, March 11, 2011

UPDATE: The bomb squad showed up

UPDATE: The bomb squad showed up, x-rayed a suspicious package, and it turned out to be just some

homeless guy’s rag-bag of clothing. I spoke to the policeman who had rung our doorbell earlier, and he

said they were sorry about the bother but — ‘in view of what’s been happening lately” — they

thought it best to be on the lookout.

The worst part of it was being stuck in the house while, on the television, Tony Blair’s voice droned

pompously on ….

Well, if I don’t go the gym, the terrorists will have won. So, see ya later …..

It looks like there has been another attack on London: three underground stations — sportren Street,

Shepherd’s NIKE SHOX, and Oval — appear to have been hit by explosions of some sort. While

information is sketchy, at the moment, these three Tube stations have been evacuated. There was also an

incident on a bus, which had its windows blown out.

There is a report of a nail bomb exploding. No reports of any casualties so far.

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