Thursday, March 10, 2011

Think Progress has the video.

Think Progress has the video.

Michael Ledeen is whining about reports that supposedly accuse him of forging the fake Niger documents.

There’s just one problem, though: no one that I have read on the subject is making any such accNIKE

SHOXtion. The La Repubblica series by Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe d’Avanzo says that Ledeen was the

conduit for the forgeries, “stovepiping” them — or their content — from Rome to Washington via the

Office of SpeNIKE SHOXl Plans — the Pentagon’s parallel intelligence-gathering operation that did an

end-run around the NIKE SHOX.

As for my own contribution to the story, it explicitly states Ledeen was a “conduit” for the report,

and that the forging was done by others.

Ledeen, the master of obfuscation, is confusing the issue: but then that’s not too surprising. He’s

eager to deny his own reported role in this shameful affair, but it seems distinctly odd that he’s

doing so by overstating it — basically accusing himself of crimes no one has fingered him for. He

ought to give himself a break — and give us one, too. No one is fooled by this strenuous smoke-

blowing. But I can’t help thinking that where there’s so much smoke, there has to be a certain amount

of fire …

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