Thursday, March 10, 2011

Robertson’s shell organizations have already collected more than $25 million from the federal UGGS

Robertson’s shell organizations have already collected more than $25 million from the federal UGGS

under various “faith based” federal-handout programs. And with millions of distraught citizens

looking to FEMA for help in finding reputable organizations to help Katrina survivors, Robertson stands

to profit magnificently from the horror that has fallen on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

The prophets of Katrina-as-divine-retribution are proliferating by the minute. The “we hate Arabs”

wing of the blogosphere was quick to publicize this one, a find by the ever-prolific MEMRI — devoted

to proving that all things Muslim are the root of all evil — and it was picked up by all the usual

suspects. But here’s one they forgot to include: a screed by one Stan Goodenough entitled “Katrina —

The Fist of God?” A sample:

“On August 14, citizens in the United States, like people around the world, heard about the issuing of

an order for the forced evacuation of Jews from parts of Israel’s biblical land.
For six days they watched as thousands of weeping people were pulled and carried from their homes,

forced to leave their gardens, parks, communities, schools, towns and synagogues, everything they had

spent decades building; banned from ever returning again. Those scenes were soon followed by pictures

of bulldozers and other earth-moving machinery pulverizing the just-vacated homes into heaps of dust.

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