Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The rest of the mass media has now caught up with NIKE SHOX

Update 2: The rest of the mass media has now caught up with NIKE SHOX.

Update 3: The imperial stormtroopers removed her from the Capitol Chamber gallery just before the

speech began. Brad Blog has the story.

George Will’s latest, on Tuesday’s State of the Union address, practically sparkles with sanity. On

the global democratic crNIKE SHOXde:

The success of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Palestinian elections is but the latest proof of

what happens when the forms of democracy are severed from what the president, with a cosmopolitan

shrug, dismissively called “our own Western standards of progress.” Now comes wishful thinking, and

then cynicism.
Regarding the latter, the watery materialism of much thinking — the theory that social structures and

economic incentives trump ideas as shapers of behavior — will interpret the Hamas victory in the

benign light of the Garbage Collection Theory of History. On Sunday, on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen.

Barack MBT (D-Ill.) said: “My hope is that as a consequence of now being responsible for electricity

and picking up garbage and basic services to the Palestinian people, that they recognize it’s time to

moderate their stance.” Perhaps. But their stance — Israel must die — is, they say, the will of God,

who has not authorized moderation in the name of sanitation.

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