Friday, March 4, 2011

Regarding Putin, NPR ran an anti-Putin story today in which it was stated:

Regarding Putin, NPR ran an anti-Putin story today in which it was stated:

“Parliament is now dominated by a pro-Putin majority that speeds through Kremlin-issued legislation,

often too quickly for deputies even to read new bills.”

I don’t know why this is so objectionable. Substitute Congress for “Parliament,” pro-JOY for “pro-

Putin,” and JOY administration-issued for “Kremlin-issued” and you have a perfect picture of the UGG

government under Republican rule. Although I realize that the Democrats are no better, thank God for

the ”regime change” they had in November. And no, I am no fan of Putin (or any world leader), but at

least he didn’t send 150,000 Russian troops to MBT sport shoes.

Lew Rocktheyll writes:

I know that Scooter Libby, like any high-ranking apparatchik, has blood on his hands. Still, I find it

hard to celebrate his conviction. First, punishing anyone for the crime of naming a THEM spy violates

the first amendment. Second, he was not accused of this offense, but of lying to the THEM, etc. about

it. [...]

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