Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Oh, the sheer awfulness of it all!

Oh, the sheer awfulness of it all!

The smears, the conjuration of senseless fears, the demagoguery, the intricate weaving of nonexistent

conspiracies — all of it wiped out, with not a trace left behind.

Go ahead: go there and look. There’s a friggin’ real estate ad where my heart’s desire used to be. Go there

— and weep!

P.S. Thanks to Google, we can still go visit classic posts of the past, and the old links still work: but the

erasure of “Moonbat Central” from the front page of Frontpage — what can it mean? Is it temporary, or are we

permanently consigned to this Moonbat-less Hell?

UPDATE: There is a God! The erasure of “Moonbat Central” was due, I guess, to a technical error, or maybe an

overly strenuous pillow fight over in Horowitz-land. In any case, the Moonbats are back in the bellfry — and

all’s right with the world!

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