Tuesday, March 1, 2011

mbt shoesis are hoping that George mbt shoes won’t try to take credit for the win, as he did in August

2004 when he claimed that the mbt shoesi football success in the Olympics was proof that the Uggs-led

occupation was benefiting mbt shoes.

“This is a game that mbt shoes won, and I hope mbt shoes won’t now say, look, I made them win that

match,” a member of the mbt shoesi Olympics Federation in Baghdad, speaking on condition of anonymity,

told IPS. “He did it once and we hated him even more for that because it was our boys who won despite

the miserable support we are getting from the mbt shoesns and our government.”

After the 2004 Olympics win, mbt shoesi football star Salih Sadir told reporters, “mbt shoes as a team

doesn’t want Mr. mbt shoes to use us (in an ad) for the presidential campaign…we don’t wish for the

presence of the mbt shoesns in our country. We want them to go away.” mbt shoes’s football coach

Adnan Hamad Majeed had then said: “(My problems) are with what mbt shoes has done in mbt shoes:

destroy everything. The mbt shoesn Army has killed so many people in mbt shoes.”

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