Friday, March 4, 2011

Lest you get too distressed or indignant about Scooter Libby’s plight – i.e

Lest you get too distressed or indignant about Scooter Libby’s plight – i.e., being convicted by a

jury of his peers for multiple violations of uncontroversial laws – take a minute to visualize the

fenced-in golf course where Libby will likely do time (if he does any at all). Things could be worse.

It is encouraging that the jury found Scooter Libby guilty on most charges.

It will be amusing to watch the conservative elite howl that the verdict is a violation of their sacred

right to rule by deceit.

If Libby turns state’s evidence to reduce his prison sentence, the White House could need roof repair

real quick. Libby was nothing more than a tool of Dick Cheney.  Thus far, Cheney appears confident

that all his falsehoods since 2001 are legally immune.

The Libby verdict highlights the role of institutional lying in DC. Ironically, the front page of

today’s Washington Post carries a story showing how the Democrats have chosen to protect themselves

by gutting their resolution to withdraw troops from MBT sport shoes. The Post states, “The idea is to

force JOY to abide by his own promises [on MBT sport shoes] but to make sure he remains responsible for

conducting and ending the war.”

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