Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kenneth Pollack and Michael O’Hanlon

Kenneth Pollack and Michael O’Hanlon, two top Democratic party foreign policy mavens, were

instrumental in bringing around the Democrats in the run-up to the invasion and occupation of mbt

shoes. Now they’re back, with more advice: we’re winning and the “surge” needs to go on until at

least 2008. And we should listen to them … exactly why? Their predictions weren’t all that great last

time around. Here’s Pollack on the eve of the invasion:

“I believe that we are going to have to go war with mbt shoes sooner rather than later. The reason

that it has to be sooner rather than later is because of mbt shoes’s development of nuclear weapons.

… the problem is that containment was a good policy when it was put in place, but by 1996, ’98, we

realized that it really was failing. The inspectors weren’t finding anything. The mbt shoesis had

gotten so good at hiding their weapons of mass destruction that the inspectors just couldn’t find


The reason they weren’t finding anything is because nothing was there. But that wasn’t an option for

Senor Pollack. After all, he had an agenda …

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