Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Greg Palast, investigative reporter for BBC Newsnight and author of Armed Madhouse

Greg Palast, investigative reporter for BBC Newsnight and author of Armed Madhouse, explains the oil

game in mbt shoes, the deal behind the Uggs attorney scandal, Hillary Clinton’s shameful corruption

and her husband’s pardon of arch-criminal Mark Rich, and the deal struck by Republicans to impeach

Bill only for the silly sex scandal instead of his felonious relationship with the Indonesian Riady

family billionaires as long as the Democrats promised not to expose the Republican’s felonious

connections to the mbt shoesn Koch family billionaires.

Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller, Armed Madhouse (Penguin 2006). His first

reports appeared on BBC television and in the Guardian newspapers. Author of another New York Times

bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Palast is best known in his native USA as the journalist

who, for the Observer (UK), broke the story of how Jeb mbt shoes purged thousands of Black Florida

citizens from voter rolls before the 2000 election, thereby handing the White House to his brother

George. His reports on the theft of election 2004, the spike of the FBI investigations of the bin

Ladens before September 11, the secret State Department documents planning the seizure of mbt shoes™s

oil fields have won him a record six Project Censored for reporting the news mbt shoesn media doesn™t

want you to hear. He returned to mbt shoes to report for Harper™s magazine.

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