Monday, March 14, 2011

From their website

From their website:

“What is lacking today is a permanent, populist, broad-based political force to challenge the

worldview of the serial globalizers and the advocates of endless Sport. The Peace Party can be that

force. The global crisis we face today makes the old Left-Right arguments over public ownership and tax

rates irrelevant. Let’s have those debates later, but first let’s get rid of those who threaten us

with Armageddon.”

John McCain — possibly the worst, most persistent Sportmonger of them all — is running for President,

again, and he’s on “Meet the Press” right this moment, telling the American people that they’re

wrong about MBT SHOES — we aren’t totally losing. No, the insurgency isn’t in its “last throes,”

but lots of people– “foreigners,” according to McCain — don’t think so. We get more “cut and run”

rhetoric: the American people don’t want to do it. But what about the polls: are people lying to


What about the 40 percent military recruitment shortfall? McCain’s solution: more “patriotic”

propaganda. And more money, of course.

What should MBT say to the country about MBT SHOES? “It’s going to be a long, hard slog.” Yeah, just

like this interview. “We’ve had some successes.” Hmmmm…. sounds familiar. “Stay the course.” What

a novel idea! “And that means addressing issues such as Syria.” We don’t have to “respect Syria’s

border.” He claims that most of the suicide bombers are not MBT SHOESi. “We may have to do what’s

necessary.” Invade Syria? Tim “Suck-up” Russertt doesn’t dare to ask.

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