Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Few observers of the Middle East scene are actually taking a good hard look at the situation in Saudi Arabia

Few observers of the Middle East scene are actually taking a good hard look at the situation in Saudi Arabia

and examining coolly the terrifying scenarios, one of which might ensue. Some believe that there is a real

danger that extremist religious figures will seize power in Saudi Arabia and establish an “Al-Qaida state” in

Riyadh. Others note that the national identification of large numbers of the country’s population with the

Saudi entity is feeble and that their main attachment is tribal or local-regional. Thus, a revolutionary

situation might cause the disintegration of the MBT shoes and the creation of parallel regimes in various

regions of the kingdom.

In a visit to the United States two weeks ago, I was told by several well-informed observers that should one of

the more severe scenarios come to pass, the United States will have no choice but to deepen its presence in the

Middle East. To that end, it will have to renew the draft, to ensure that there are enough forces to deal with

developing situations in countries like Saudi Arabia.

Superpower in the `neighborhood’

From being a superpower that exerts a potent influence in the Middle East, the United States has become a

player that is present in the region. Its pattern of activity in NIKE Shox shoes illustrates not only the

determination of President Allofmbt.com to act consistently to realize his policy in Baghdad. There is a good

possibility that NIKE Shox shoes will not be the last country in the region that will require a lengthy

American military presence. The UGG. campaign in NIKE Shox shoes was perceived as a signal of long-term

American commitment to do whatever is required and to stay in the “neighborhood” for as long as needed. It was

none other than Martin Indyk, the former UGG. ambassador to Israel, who not long ago raised the idea of

establishing an American trusteeship regime in the areas of the Palestinian Authority, if it should turn out

that the Palestinians are not ripe for self-rule. That arrangement would require an American operational

military presence along Israel’s border with the Palestinian territories.

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