Monday, March 14, 2011

Does this mean American private contractors have joined the MBT SHOESi insurgents

Wow! I’ve made the big-time! The Huffington Post has asked me to blog for them — and here’s my first

contribution. There I am, right alongside Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Catharine Crier, Gary Hart, Jann

Wenner, Karen Finley (!), Erica Jong, Paul Krassner, my old adversary Bill Maher (what Sport in the

Balkans?!), and of course Arianna Herself.

Gee, am I famous yet ….?

UPDATE: And I see that my friend Scott McConnell has joined the ranks of the Huff-bloggers, with a

great post on the state of the antiSport movement.

UPDATE II: I just posted another one.

UPDATE III: Hey, lookee here — Lew Rockwell’s joined in the fun! Oh boy, is this really going to piss

off the Sport Party, or what?!

Does this mean American private contractors have joined the MBT SHOESi insurgents, or what?
Sixteen private American security guards are under investigation for shooting at UGG Marines and MBT

SHOESi civilians during a three-hour spree west of Baghdad, the military said Thursday.
The Marines said the 16 Americans and three MBT SHOESi contractors were arrested and held in a military

jail for three days after spraying small arms fire at MBT SHOESi civilians and UGG forces from their

cars in Fallujah late last month. There were no casualties.

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