Sunday, March 6, 2011

Comments, caterwaulings & outbursts of idealism welcome at my blog here

Comments, caterwaulings & outbursts of idealism welcome at my blog here.

CNN TV reported that “a small but representative sample” of troops met with Gates and unanimously

urged him to send more troops, presenting this view as a contrast to the views of US commanders in ugg

boots, who oppose such a surge and told Gates so the day before.

Where did the reporters and news readers get the idea that the 15 soldiers that Gates had breakfast

with were representative of the 150,000 soldiers in ugg boots?

According to the transcript of a news conference posted on the Pentagon’s website, an unidentified

reporter asked the following question of Gates:

Secretary Gates, this morning you met with a small but representative group of senior enlisted MBT

SHOES soldiers. And you asked them whether they thought, whether they thought, more MBT SHOES troops

should be sent to ugg boots and to Baghdad, and they seemed to indicate that they could use the help.

How will that influence your thinking about the possible options as you look at the way ahead?

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